Member Spotlight

Alaska Bar Foundation

Alaska Bar Foundation

The January Member Spotlight shines on the Alaska Bar Foundation

Their Mission:

The Alaska Bar Foundation strives to foster and maintain the honor and integrity of the profession of the law.

About the Organization

In October 1972, the Board of Governors of the Alaska Bar Association established the Alaska Bar Foundation as a not-for-profit corporation in accordance with the laws of the State of Alaska.

Today the Foundation supports a handful of programs and resources that give back to their community, especially those who are economically disadvantaged. Along with these programs they offer law school scholarships to current 1st or 2nd year law students who demonstrate ties to Alaska. You can read more about these scholarships here.

Grants and Charitable Activities

The Alaska Bar Foundation offers several grant and award opportunities.

The ABF has the Jay Rabinowitz Public Service Award. This award began in 2003 and is given each year by the Board of Trustees to the individual whose life work has demonstrated a commitment to public service in the State of Alaska. The award is funded through generous gifts from the public in honor of the late Alaska Supreme Court Justice Jay Rabinowitz. You can learn more about the Jay Rabinowitz Public Service Award here.

Along with that award, the Alaska Bar Foundation has the Alaska IOLTA (Interest On Lawyer Trust Accounts) Program. The Alaska Supreme Court established the IOLTA program in 1986, and it is administered by the Alaska Bar Foundation (ABF) Board of Trustees. Attorneys’ can join the IOLTA program so their unsegregated trust accounts can generate interest income, which is then sent to the Alaska Bar Foundation to be used for grants to programs that provide civil legal services to the poor. The income generated by this program is used to make grants to non-profit providers of legal services throughout the state. To learn more about the IOLTA Program visit their website here.

Staff and Leadership

The Alaska Bar Foundation Leadership Team consists of and is governed by. You can see their full Leadership Team here.

Although the Alaska Bar Foundation does not have their own social media, you can follow the Alaska Bar Association on Facebook and LinkedIn.
