Member Spotlight
Oklahoma Bar Foundation
The Oklahoma Bar Foundation (OBF) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1946 by members of the Oklahoma Bar Association (OBA) to accomplish law-related charitable good works statewide. Through their grants and awards program, they provide annual funding for law-related non-profits, court improvements, and law school scholarships. OBF is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year!
OBF is the third oldest state bar foundation in the U.S. and their membership is comprised of those persons duly licensed to practice law in the State of Oklahoma. OBF believes justice should be possible for all. Every day they empower non-profits supporting Oklahoma’s most legally vulnerable citizens because communities are stronger when everyone has fair and equal access to the justice system.
OBF Announces 2021 Grantee Partners
The Oklahoma Bar Foundation Board of Trustees approved $731,242 in Grants for 29 nonprofit programs that will provide legal services and education to over 46,500 Oklahomans. The OBF Grants & Awards Committee, which is tasked with reviewing grant applications and interviewing grant applicants, presented funding recommendations to the OBF Board of Trustees for programs that provide services in the following categories: legal services and advocacy for abused and neglected children, civil legal aid for low-income Oklahomans, immigrant legal services, domestic violence prevention services, teen legal education, juvenile offender programs, diversion programs, and other law-related programs. View the full list of nonprofits that will receive program funding from the OBF for the fiscal year 2021 here.
Meet 2021 Board President Jeffery D. Trevillion, Jr.
Meet 2021 Oklahoma Bar Foundation Board President, Jeffery D. Trevillion, Jr., who will lead the OBF during its 75th Anniversary Year.
As the 2021 OBF Board President, Jeffrey would like to find a way to recognize OBF’s 75th year of supporting worthy programs that provide legal services to under served communities despite the limitations due to the current pandemic. He would also like to better utilize technology to fulfill the mission of the OBF. Read more about Jeffery D. Trevillion, Jr.
Staff and Leadership
The OBF is supported by four staff members, led by Executive Director Renee DeMoss. The OBF Director of Development & Communications, Candice Pace, serves on the NCBF Board and is the co-chair of the NCBF C0mmunications Committee. The Foundation is governed by a group of 27 Board of Trustees. Meet their Board and Professional Team here.
Connect with OBF
We encourage you to connect with OBF on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn! Please visit OBF at to read more about their work.