California Lawyers Foundation
Navigating COVID-19 is a 45 video public service project
The 2020 NCBF-LexisNexis Partnership for Success Award honors the California Lawyers Foundation for its Navigating COVID-19 public video project, a series of over 45 public service videos produced by the California Lawyers Association and co-sponsored and funded by the California Lawyers Foundation. The video series provides free legal information to empower low income Californians and small business owners during the pandemic. The project was launched within ten days of California’s Shelter in Place orders, providing an immediate bridge to information when courts were shut down in California.
The Covid-19 Project provides videos in both English and Spanish helping individuals, businesses and health care workers navigate the pandemic.
Watch The Virtual NCBF Lexis/Nexis Award Presentation
Below are samples of Covid-19 Project videos available at the California Lawyer's Association.
Topics in the video series include:
- Labor and Employment from the employee and small business perspective,
- Family law, including changes to spousal support, custody arrangements and domestic violence,
- Business Concerns and bankruptcy,
- Tenant and Real Property Law, including eviction prevention and guidance for landlords on what not to do,
- Hospital and Healthcare changes, and
- PPP/Loan Programs and Tax ramifications of new public assistance.