Member Spotlight
Massachusetts Bar Foundation
The August NCBF Member Spotlight shines on The Massachusetts Bar Foundation.
Their Mission
- The Massachusetts Bar Foundation represents the commitment of the lawyers and judges of Massachusetts to improve the administration of justice, to promote an understanding of the law, and to ensure equal access to the legal system for all residents of the Commonwealth, particularly those most vulnerable.
About the Organization
The MBF provides critical funding to legal aid programs that help low-income individuals and families get the help they need to overcome tremendous obstacles and move toward a brighter future.
The Foundation held their most recent Annual Meeting on June 7, Dr. Jim O’Connell of Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program was honored with the Great Friend of Justice Award, Angela McConney Scheepers was elected President of the Foundation for the coming year, and Matt Selig of Health Law Advocates delivered the Grantee Address. Over 125 MBF Fellows, grantees and friends attended the event at the JFK Library.
Grants and Charitable Activities
The MBF offers several grant programs and resources.
The first, is the IOLTA (Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Account) Grants Program, that awards financial grants annually to nonprofit organizations in Massachusetts whose programs either provide civil legal services to low-income clients or improve the administration of justice. The grants offer assistance to those who have few resources to address legal issues.
Next, is their Legal Intern Fellowship, which gives law students the experience to pursue careers in public interest law while providing legal aid organizations with additional staff in the summer months. The Fellowship awards $6,000 to three law students who intern at nonprofit organizations for the summer.
And lastly is the Special Grants Projects, which considers funding requests that fall outside of the eligibility requirements of the IOLTA Grants Program or the traditional grant cycle, but are still consistent with the mission of the MBF.
Staff and Leadership
The MBF’s Board of Trustees consists of four officers and nineteen trustees. MBF’s staff is made up of an executive director, donor relations & event manager, and a special projects coordinator.
Massachusetts Bar Foundation Leadership
Follow MBF on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for more information.